What to Expect from Fall Yard Clean Up

Seasonal yard cleanup usually happens in the fall and spring seasons. Most people think that fall yard clean up is all about leaf removal, but there are actually several aspects of the yard that need to be addressed before the cold winter weather hits. Properly preparing your yard in the fall will prevent issues in both the winter and spring season.

yard cleanup


Mulch Cultivation

Adding mulch around trees and flowers can make a big difference in the health of your plants. The mulch will help the soil maintain moisture, moderate the temperature of the soil, and prevent weed seed germination. Mulch adds a nice, fresh look to your garden for the fall season while simultaneously preparing your plants for the upcoming cold season.

Leaf Removal

While fall yard cleanup is not all about leaf removal, it’s still a very important part of the overall process. As the colorful leaves fall onto your grass, they create a barrier that makes it difficult for your lawn to absorb nutrients and get sunlight. As the leaves rot, mold and fungus can fester and harm your lawn. Removing the leaves gives your lawn one last chance to soak up the sun and warmth before the grey winter season.

Lawn Scalping & Aeration

Lawn scalping involves removing old or decayed grass to make room for new growth. After the debris is removed, fertilizer is applied to give your lawn a nice health boost. Many lawns will also benefit from aeration, which will help your soil breathe and allow nutrients, water, fertilizer and pesticides to soak into the lawn. This will ensure that your lawn will come in fuller and greener when spring comes around.

Pruning and other yard cleanup

While a lot of seasonal yard cleanup is focused on the lawn, there are other areas that need to be addressed as well. It’s important to trim trees and shrubs in the fall season before they start actively growing again in the spring. Trimming may seem like a simple task, but if done incorrectly, you might have a whole host of growth and structural problems that can cause headaches and lead to disfigurement in the future. A professional landscaper will be able to assess your trees and shrubs and properly trim them.

It’s important to prune shrubs and other plant life to remove any dead to diseased sections. Removing dead plants will immediately enhance the overall aesthetic of your yard by creating a cleaner and fresher look. Pruning will also ensure that all the time and hard work that went into planting and cultivating your beautiful landscape will not go to waste as it will ensure that the plants remain healthy and come back to thrive in the spring. Our professionals can also take a close look at all of your plants to decide if any plants need to be removed or relocated in order to increase chances of survival through the winter season.

If you are interested in seasonal yard clean up services, please contact us for a quote!